“Saving is a habit…and if you don’t have it, may God save you” - Naveen Soni, 2011

The first part of this has been a long prevalent saying…many of you would remember it as your! dad or grand-dad’s words at the time of your first salary.
First salary!…have these two words taken you back to the day when you got your first paycheque. I am sure many would have bought some gifts for your folks..I did that too. The other thing that is nicely preserved in my memory is how we celebrated with the bottles of beer chilled in an ice-filled bucket.
But as time passes, you want to have a refrigerator to put your beers in.
Then you want a nice house where that fridge is kept…
and then one by one people start moving out as they settle in life forming families, which would sort of prompt you to have a house of your own
where you want to have all the best possible furniture, electronic gadgets and other stuff. And then, you don’t always want to stay at home and go on vacations.
Oh yes, you need a car to move with your girlfriend/family and then there are expenses on children’s education…and then their marriage after which you want to retire with same or better lifestyle.
head spinning??? Don’t worry…this is why I added the second part to the saying.
Also, not to say…if you don’t drink beer, you will never have the situations to earn and spend more.
Those living in parents home may have other goals... their motivation could be to make their own mark in life, to buy their own house…or if dad gifted a car, then to buy even a sexier one with better looks, style and power.
Everyone needs money now and in future.
Remember now was future yesterday and future will be now tomorrow. So the conclusion is you have to keep saving money for all your future requirements.
We are therefore, back to our original question….HOW MUCH TO SAVE EVERY MONTH.
Guys, I guess we are not yet ready to answer it yet.
You have to as first and most important step note down your financial goals, which in simple words is when do you need what e.g. when and how much money do you need for your laptop, car, house, vacation, retirement or even setting up your own business.
This is no theory. This is THE first essential step. Your goal list can look something like this:
Your list may be shorter or longer than this. It may have lesser or more expensive goals, but the important thing is you have to sit and jot them down.
Do this with your close ones....it will be great fun, maybe at the risk of including a diamond necklace or a computer game :) ! What to do next....I am going to step by step take you there and suggest you on how you can achieve these goals comfortably and I can promise you this planning is going to be fun.
After you have finished preparing your Goal Chart, read THREE EASY STEPS TO SAVE MONEY FOR ALL FUTURE NEEDS to work towards achieving your goals.